Jason's Travel Blog

Thought I would set up a blog so that my family and friends can keep up to date with where I am at and what I am doing with myself these days.. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A week in Vancouver!

Well I thought I should update you guys on things ... since its been just over a week since I arrived.. and also because Jamie has been bugging me for some new photos of the area! Basically the week has been WET! Vancouver has had some major rainfall records broken in the recent weeks. So much rain to the point that the water supplies here have been affected. The water has been "unsettled" and what they call Turbidity has affected the water so that when it comes outta the taps its BROWN! the majority of Vancouver and near by surrounding areas have been affected and the water authority has posted a Boil Water notification for households. Even places like Star bucks and other restaurants had to shut down during the worst periods because their water supplies were affected. To top things off, being human nature, everyone starts to panick and then rush down to the stores to buy up all the drinking water supplies. One of the large retail chains here called Costco had people lining up since 4am in the morning just so they could get in to buy some water!. There were reports that fights broke out amongst people in the mad rush as to who's water was who's! I think they did try and limit things to 1 bottle per person!..

So anyways here's a shot of the street where I'm at just to show you guys what the houses and things look like here..

Notice the HUGE drains along the roadsides! I'm surprised there hasn't been any accidents of cars backing out into them!..


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